Select a room


Parking at the hotel
1 Restaurants in the hotel
Smoke-free hotel
Swimming pool
Room Service
Activities for children on the property
Parking lot
Valet Parking 
Business services
Printing services
Dry cleaning or laundry pick-up service
Concierge services
Doctor on call
Currency exchange
Messenger Service
Secretarial services
Alarm Service

Room Rate by day plus appl. taxes Availability
Standsar 2,565.00 MXN 0
Double 2 beds (plus taxes) 2,565.00 MXN 0
King Standard club Floor Lounge Access 3,149.00 MXN -1
Rates subject to availability
When requesting the reservation, it is necessary for each client to guarantee complete
credit card information.

Cancellations of reservations may be received, with a minimum of 2 days, before the 
day of arrival of the future guest.

Any cancellation received within a shorter period than already established (48 hours)
will cause the charge for the first night of stay, under the concept of “No-Show”, 
which will be charged to the credit card as guarantee. It is important that when 
canceling, you request your cancellation number

Your selection:

Hotel Days Rate by day plus appl. taxes Type
Complete your reservation
